Wednesday 13 January 2016

Quick Update and New Look!

Hey guys! Its been quite a while since I wrote anything on here, but that due to change! For those reading on my blogger page you’ll be able to see that a few things have changed around here. Well after a couple of hours of tinkering and excessive amounts of coffee I managed to come up with this. Hopefully you guys actually like what I’ve done with the place!

Anyway I haven’t been posting on here mainly because these last few weeks have been very hectic. I’ve been applying for my accommodation, student loan and talking to some uni lectures and students, all whilst juggling the mountain of work at college. I’ll have posts about all of these things but for now this is just a quick update to say welcome to the new blog and keep an eye out for plenty of posts in the coming weeks :)

Leave a comment or tweet at me if you have any questions!

Follow me on Twitter! - @Jayson__Knott (double underscore)

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